Will E-sports Replace the Sports?

 E - sports

E-sports is a platform arising in this modern world in which athletes play various competitive games in online mode. The craze of e-sport is increasing day by day among teenagers and the other people as well. Several organizations are investing in the held of esports. E-sports will grow tremendously in coming days as it is getting attention these days.

E-sport is beneficial considering various perspectives. Older people in our society take their foot a step back when they hear about platforms like e-sports even without knowing its positive side. Along with entertainment and comfort, athletes can earn money. Professional athletes can represent their country in international platform. Sport and E-sports are two different terms but are almost similar to each other. One can build his/her career in this field playing competitive games via internet. As everything in this world has demerits and draw backs, esports also has its own drawbacks which are considerable.

With a logical vision, esports also has numbers of demerits. People are seen engaging with their mobiles or PCs overtime. The craze among teenagers is growing in an extreme level which results in unwanted activities. Playing games in front of a screen continuously causes health problems like eye problem, obesity, dullness etc. Sitting and playing from a room lacks physical exercise and socialization. Similarly family problems may be seen.

Esports has two sides negative and positive, it depends upon us that how we take it. The form generation gap affects greatly in this field but the perspective for e-sports must be changed so, that we could upgrade our lifestyle and adapt new things without bothering the older ones.

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