Will AI takeover Toady's world?



Will AI takeover this  present world.  This is a huge question to the answer as we know that today's world is full of AI it means all of the things or all of the objects that are available today are based on AI. AI Provides the better enhancement of Technology every Technology pf world are strengthen  by the help of AI such a great thing but today people are taking it as a risk it is rumor that AI would take over the human .

AI is not going to do that AI are the creation of humans. And it is believed that AI are always be following the humans. No one is just powerful than their creator. AI are the creations of the humans. AI was made to make the human life easier but the rumors they are just making it a huge issue . AI are always be following the human kind. AI have their own mind but they control according to our commands and instruction so we should not be much scared about it. But there is a great problem which I have seen personally that is AI are going to take the precious job of the humans . This topic is going to be discussed in the next post.

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